Oberberger Sanitaer-Solar-Heizung

Information zu Oberberger Sanitaer-Solar-Heizung Odoo-Instanz, Open Source ERP.

Installierte Apps

Odoo 17 Accounting
Accounting Reports, Asset Management and Budget, Recurring Payments, Lock Dates, Fiscal Year, Accounting Dashboard, Financial Reports, Customer Follow up Management, Bank Statement Import
Odoo Backend Debranding
This is the base odoo backend debranding module.
App contacts by category company superbar
Browse contacts by company. Use for parent children tree list kanban navigator. ztree widget.Hierarchy Tree.Parent Children relation tree..
App product browse by category navigator
Browse Product by category tree. Use for parent children tree list kanban navigator. Easy to navigator and browse any data. Support list, kanban, pivot, graph view. ztree widget.Hierarchy Tree.Parent Children relation tree..
Project and task browse by partner,user, stage navigator
Browse project by company / partner / user. Project task by user, tags. project superbar. Easy to navigator and browse any data. Support list, kanban, pivot, graph view. ztree widget.Hierarchy Tree.
Vom Angebot bis zur Rechnung
Rechnungen & Zahlungseingänge
Easy Admin navigator, quick search filter
menu admin, fields admin, action admin, views easy admin and search, quick admin navigator by all kind of category. Use for parent children tree list kanban navigator. ztree widget.Hierarchy Tree.Parent Children relation tree..
Mail quick navigator,mail filter
mail search, browse all mail by all kind of category. Use for parent children tree list kanban navigator. ztree widget.Hierarchy Tree.Parent Children relation tree..
Führungen verfolgen und Opportunities schließen
Enterprise Website ersteller
Verwalten Sie Ihre Lager- und Logistikaktivitäten
Bestellungen, Angebote und Vereinbarungen
Organisieren und planen Sie Ihre Projekte
Verkaufen Sie ihre Produkte Online
Entwerfen, senden und verfolgen von E-Mails
Zentralisierung von Mitarbeiterinformationen
Bank Account Camt54 Import
Attachment Size Restriction
Restrict to uploading the larger file than the configured.
Custom Shipping Cost Calculation
Document Management System
Enterprise online document management
eCommerce Product Description
Show product description for e-commerce.
Lost Messages Routing
The tool to make sure you have not lost any incoming messages. Resolve catchall issues. Odoo lost emails. Fetch failures. Incoming emails. Missing Messages Routing. Fetch messages. Lost mails. Route Lost Email/Message. Move messages. Route messages. Forward messages. Show lost messages. Address missing messages.
Progress Billing to Customer
Module allow you to create and print progress billing.
Product Management System
This module helps in product management system.
Product UoM Category
This module will allow you to assign UoM category in product template and it will filter the list of default UoM and purchase UoM.
Sendcloud Odoo Shipping Integration
Using Sendcloud Integration we submit order to sendcloud and generate label in odoo and get tracking information in odoo.We are providing following modules, Shipping Operations, shipping, odoo shipping integration,odoo shipping connector, dhl express, fedex, ups, gls, usps, stamps.com, shipstation, bigcommerce, easyship, amazon shipping, sendclound, ebay, shopify.
Configure different outgoing mail server for each company or each user
Chat, Mail-Gateway und private Kanäle
Zentralisierung Ihres Adressbuchs
Planung von Mitarbeiterversammlungen
Chatten Sie mit Ihren Website-Besuchern
Organisieren Sie Ihre Arbeit mit Memos